
职  称:副教授



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陈建军 副教授 (Associate Professor Jian-Jun Chen),硕士生导师。男,1981年5月生。2004年本科毕业于忻州师范学院化学教育专业。2004年至2009年,在兰州大学有机化学专业攻读博士学位。2009年7月起在兰州大学功能有机分子化学国家重点实验室工作。先后主持和完成国家自然科学基金青年基金项目和面上项目3项以及5项横向课题。目前的主要研究兴趣包括:新颖结构天然产物的高效发现、结构修饰、生物活性研究;基于合成生物学的传统中药化学成分研究。



近5年代表性论文(Representative Publications):

1. Yan, X.#; Chen, J. J.#; Adhikari, A.; Teijaro, C. N. Ge, H.; Crnovcic, I.; Chang, C. Y.; Annaval, T.; Yang, D.; Rader, C.; Shen B. * Comparative Studies of the Biosynthetic Gene Clusters for Anthraquinone-Fused Enediynes Shedding Light into the Tailoring Steps of Tiancimycin Biosynthesis. Org. Lett. 2018, 20, 5918−5921.

2. Zeng, J.; Zhang, D. B.; Zhou, P. P.; Zhang, Q. L.; Zhao, L.; Chen, J. J.*; Gao, K. * Rauvomines A and B, Two Monoterpenoid Indole Alkaloids from Rauvolfia vomitoria.  Org. Lett. 2017, 19, 3998−4001.

3. Yan, X.#; Chen, J. J.#; Adhikari, A.; Yang, D.; Crnovcic, I.; Wang, N.; Chang, C. Y.; Rader, C.; Shen, B.* Genome Mining of Micromonospora yangpuensis DSM 45577 as a Producer of an Anthraquinone-Fused Enediyne. Org. Lett. 2017, 19, 6192−6195.

4. Li, H. Y.; Peng, X.; Jin, X.; Wei, W. J.; Ma, K. L.; Li, Y.; Chen, J. J.; Gao, K. Labdane-Type Diterpenoids from Leonurus japonicus and Their Plant-Growth Regulatory Activity. J. Nat. Prod. 2019, 82, 2568−2579.

5. Bai, W; Yang, H. Y.; Jiao, X. Z.; Feng, K. N.; Chen, J. J.*; Gao, K.* Structurally Diverse Highly Oxygenated Triterpenoids from the Roots of Ailanthus altissima and Their Cytotoxicity.  J. Nat. Prod. 2018, 81, 1777−1785.

6.  Chen, J. J.; Rateb, M. E.; Love, M. S.; Xu, Z.; Yang, D.; Zhu, X.; Huang, Y.; Zhao, L. X.; Jiang, Y.; Duan, Y.;  McNamara, C. W., Shen B.* Herbicidins from Streptomyces sp. CB01388 Showing Anti-Cryptosporidium Activity. J. Nat. Prod. 2018, 81, 791−797.

7. Gobu, F. R.; Chen, J. J.*; Zeng, J.; Wei, W. J.; Wang, W. F.; Lin, C. J.; Gao, K.* Isolation, Structure Elucidition, and Immunosuppressive Activity of Diterpenoids from Ligularia f ischeri.  J. Nat. Prod. 2017, 80, 2263−2268.

8. Chen, J. J., Chen, C. J.; Yao, X. J.;Jin, X. J.; Gao K.* Eremophilane-Type Sesquiterpenoids with Diverse Skeletons from Ligularia sagitta. J. Nat. Prod. 2014, 77, 1329−1335.


